American Corner also aims to maintain an open dialogue on issues of mutual interest and understanding between Poland and the United States.
The agreement on the establishment of the American Corner was signed at the US Embassy in Warsaw as a result of a letter of intent signed in June 2011 by the Mayor of Radom and the US Ambassador to Poland.
The institution operates at the Radom Creative Environments Club and Gallery "ŁAŹNIA". In cooperation with the American Embassy, American Corner Radom conducts cultural and educational activities about the United States of America.
KAMERALNE LATO 15th EDITION starts on the July 3rd!
KAMERALNE LATO is a week-long festival of cinema and one of the most important cultural events taking place in Radom. The program of this year’s jubilee edition is ready! The KAMERALNE LATO FILM FESTIVAL has been organized continuously since 2008 in Radom. The aim of the event is broadly understood promotion of valuable cinema, film
KAMERALNE LATO to tygodniowe święto kina i jedno z najważniejszych wydarzeń kulturalnych odbywających się w Radomiu. Znamy program tegorocznej jubileuszowej edycji! Ogólnopolskie Spotkania Filmowe KAMERALNE LATO to festiwal organizowany nieprzerwanie od 2008 roku w Radomiu. Celem imprezy jest szeroko rozumiana promocja wartościowego kina, edukacja filmowa młodzieży oraz wymiana doświadczeń pomiędzy przedstawicielami młodej branży filmowej. W
Kameralne Lato 2022 invites you to be a volunteer
As an educational partner of Kameralne Lato Festival, we invite young people aged 18-25 to volunteer during the event. The group will be looked after by the well-known educator and film enthusiast Jarek Basaj from Radom. WE ENSURE: Experience in organizing cultural events, participation in a series of interesting artistic events, nice atmosphere and a